Monday, September 20, 2004

Should I commit or should I go?

I declare today... as D&D-Day! Hakan is going to blow some minds tonight. Possibly sell his dreams to some strange merchant. Tasty.

I had some dream last night. My scalp had many great big pimples on it, and I for a moment thought that I shouldn't have short hair with skin like that, and then I thought, "whatever". And this bee wouldn't leave me alone and I was petrified. It as crawling all over me and I cowered on the ground with my hands on the back of my head until it went away. I don't remember it going away. Nads said I had a disturbed sleep all night and she woke me multiple times. She did not sleep well either, apparently.

I can't describe how much I hate seeing that messages are waiting on my phone when I come into work. Potentially the worst things happen after you're gone or before you come in. I dread checking those messages. Today it was okay though.. just Elwell calling in sick.

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