Friday, January 27, 2006

Make me laugh. Say you know what you want.

Stand up for Canada. Bow to the States.

That was the complete Conservative slogan. I think any rational Canadian understands that a large part of the Canadian identity is that we are not American. And we are on the path to losing that part of identity. As terrible as it may be to define yourself as not someone else, at least it was ours.

Whatever a minority may not accomplish, the fact is that Canada would rather lose their identity and risk external abuse and direction rather than suffering some abuse from within. It shows me that our country doesn't have the will to say, "we'd rather die than join you." How do we vote in a man who apologized on our behalf for not invading Iraq? That, to me, is a much larger betrayal than the fact that Martin set up some foreign companies. Harper wasn't even Prime Minister yet. He had no right to speak for Canadians. But who knows, maybe there is majority support for the war in Iraq in Canada.

I watched an interview with one of the Conservative winners, and he said that he felt people responded to their positive campaign. Which fucking campaign was he in? I haven't seen one commercial that did not mention the corrupt Liberals. There would be more positives in HIV tests given to virgins.

There is some anger in me. I am partly angry at the west, who could so wholeheartedly support the Reform party. I am angry at the Bloq, because their party is based on the most ridiculous proposition, and they are taking valuable Liberal seats. But I'm mostly just... sad. I had such faith that Canada would make the right choice.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

How many fates turn around in the overtime?

In rank order. If there is a tie, it’s up to you to decide.

7 of your answers match the ideas of this party: health care, employment insurance, taxes, education, relations with provinces, gun control, environment .

2 of your answers match the ideas of this party: national defence, international aid .

2 of your answers match the ideas of this party: early childhood, parliamentary reform .

1 of your answers match the ideas of this party: economy .

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Peel out the watchword just peel out the watchword

My dream last night, at one point, involved people who were dressed up as superheroes playing hockey against robots. They were very serious about pretending to be the superheroes, so the Superman lookalike was skating around in the Superman flying pose.

Nads got a trial at a spa tomorrow. I will be the happiest dude in the world if she gets this gig. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

And you know you're gonna lie to you in your own way

Hummingbird Spirit Calls To You!
represents optimism and sweetness.
Being able to roll with the punches is an attribute
of Hummingbird.

Hummingbirds's Wisdom Includes:

Ability to heal by using light as a laser from

Endurance over long journeys

Ability to fly into small places to heal




Messenger, stopper of time.

If you enjoyed
this quiz, please rate and I may do another!

Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Your apocalypse was fab

High Boltage: New Year's Eve. Fun with Picasa! Posted by Picasa