Friday, September 17, 2004

So I can finally see where you go when you're gone

As predicted, the Jays sucked big time. Even though we sat in row 2 on the first base side, I would've had a better time playing NWN and Sims 2. I finally finished Microserfs though... I think I'm going to buy it, I liked it so much! As a software developer I spent the entire time trying to locate different aspects of my geekdom. I wonder what it's like to work in a campus and live in group housing though. Hmm.

DDR Extreme arrives at the end of this month. There are a couple of interesting songs.. Go West (Pet Shop Boys), YMCA (Village People), and The Reflex (Duran Duran), but I was really hoping for some of the classics.. Dub I Dub and Butterfly to name a couple. Ah well.. I guess I should just try and track down the PS1 versions.

I prayed yesterday on my way home from the game. It seemed like a good time to do it. Prayer is the last refuge of the scoundrel, according to Lisa Simpson. Most people believe it should be done in private. But we are the church, we are the body, and I will pray anywhere I want to.

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