Monday, September 13, 2004

Must you betray me with a kiss?

I've been thinking again. Hold on to your seat.

It is boggling how well Nads and I co-operate. She really fills in my gaps. She is the Keeper of the Physical. She cooks and makes sure I take my vitamins and everything else to ensure that my body stays healthy. She makes me use shaving cream. I am the Keeper of the Abstract. I'm much more concerned about reading and thinking about things and growing the mind. I explain the ethical, mathematical, or scientific concepts she doesn't grasp or know. I write the poetry.

I had a really good thought today on my way to work, but I've lost it amidst the deadlines and meetings and the fixing and the coding. Damn.

Ah yes, boundaries. There's something special about boundaries. And I don't mean only in the geographical, spatial sense, but even with time. Think of midnight. All kinds of things are to be believed about the border between one day to the next. Think of New Year's, or Birthdays (the boundary from one person's age to the next). For whatever reason, boundaries have power. Funerals.

But if you think about it, time is nothing but boundaries. Every unit of time is a boundary between that moment and another. It's a series of dividers blurred so tightly that it looks cohesive. We live in finely discretized units. We're not continuous, and we're not cohesive and this may be why.

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