Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Don't believe that I wouldn't dare to go and take you right back, baby

I realize that in my last post I had left out Jen's animal. I had thought about it in that shower, but I couldn't find one that fitting... it doesn't help that I don't know all that much about animals (much of my knowledge comes from Disney cartoons). I think I came to the conclusion of an ape.

Last last Saturday, on my way to the streetcar I was accosted by a crazy person. He was clearly talking to himself as he walked down the street (in the opposite direction), but I didn't think he would bother me... I hoped it. So, of course, he stops right in front of me and starts talking to me about trains. At first I was polite and stopped to listen, but as the minutes wore on I started to displace myself. He followed along, talking about trains - how they work, what they're powered by, their velocity. I'm not sure his facts were completely accurate. Near the streetcar platform he subtly asked me for bus fare so I gave him a token. We said our goodbyes and I boarded the streetcar. I'd like to think that I gave him the token out of pity and not fear, but in retrospect I should never have given him the token. I really shouldn't encourage this kind of behaviour from crazy people.

You are the perfect slug, the perfect slug, the perfect slug

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