The concert started out a bit slow. We arrived in the middle of David Usher's set.... completely missed Jesus Was My Girl. Le sigh. But then Sloan came on, and they were rockin'. Chris Murphy is the penultimate showman. At one point he ran around the inner (standing) area of the arena and pointed to all the seated sections and made them cheer... and then ran back through the standing crowd back onto the stage, which started the revolution. Having previously been contained in their seats, he decided to invite everyone down to the standing area (like the ushers could stop us!) and the concert went from good to far out from there. And of course, there were lots of jump kicks (while playing the guitar) by Mr. Murphy. He had some drumming antics as well, which were hilarious. Then came Finger Eleven. The lead singer was on some serious drugs. One of their band members (bass or guitar player?) seemed completely extraneous as he was just randomly throwing his instrument around and flailing his arm at it once in a while. And the lead singer left the stage a few times (to call 911?). Unfortunately, they played almost everything from their new album and only three songs from the better album, and not even the best ones. That's right, they didn't play Tip. Good Times was completely radical in concert though.
With that in mind, I've developed some kind of secret tech to putting on a good concert: max(enjoyment of songs people may not know) + total hardcore rock(songs that everyone knows) = fantastic concert. This could be as big as the theory of relativity, folks. You saw it here first. I think the main reason the Sloan show was so great was that even though I didn't know some of the songs, I still had a great time because they were constantly having fun on stage.
I created a gentleman pirate wrestler (of course, the gentlemanship is just a veneer) on Saturday, which took forever, and I haven't even assigned his move list yet! Do we really need 154 eyebrows to choose from? Anyway, the game's enjoyment will skyrocket for me once I have my own wrestler so it will be worth it.
I just finished Tactics and I started FF IX. Oh my god, I am so in love. Except for Steiner (I named him Raws), he can pretty much just go to hell at this point. But everything else: so good. I spent an hour playing the card game... this better not be another blitzball.
I had a series of three tragic nightmares last night (3BB). Okay, they weren't that tragic but they disturbed my sleep enough. The first one was my mom totally flipping out and banging on our door and Nads getting really pissed and was going to confront her. At that point my mom had set off the fire alarm and removed an extinguisher and was banging on the door with it, until firemen/policemen came to drag her away like a crazy person. That dream was from guilt, I'm pretty certain. The next one, I had a fight with my dad. He was just waiting for me in front of my door. I didn't want to hurt him, but in the end he forced me to stomp on his face and then he gave up. A little while after he told me he was proud of me and that the fight wasn't serious, and I felt a bit better. The third nightmare was a bit bizarre. I was part of some group at a swimming pool, and we had divided into two teams, and each team became this gang in a play (think West Side Story in the pool). For some reason Linda did not want to get in the pool and I was going to comfort her but Mark was already doing that so I thought I'd best not interfere (is this a recurrence of what happened when Leo ran away?). Anyway, as the musical proceeded, there was another girl I knew (but I don't know her in awake-world) and for some reason she was thrown down and her swimsuit ripped open, bearing her boobies for all to see (although I didn't see them, I was paying attention to something else). Needless to say she was traumatized and I took her indoors to comfort her. Then she asked me to find out who the boys were that did this to her, and to my advantage I had the cast list. However, since I didn't see it happen I still had no faces to put to the names, and my task was more difficult because they were now playing a game that involved flying (real) spaceships around and I had no one to interrogate. Eventually, the girl and I were in a van, and some other girl who was in the gang was driving by in a UPS-like van, so I quickly got out and jumped in so that I could ask her if she saw what happened. She gave me the names I was looking for, but just as she did, the traumatized girl drove her truck, flipped in a ditch and crushed some children and was no where near the culprits in question. I was very saddened that she took her life and that I was a complete failure at comforting her.